Church History

Buena Vista Baptist Church was founded in January 1957.  Three charter members are still serving  - George Day, Joe Day, and Lib Crutchfield.  Throughout its history, the church has strived to be a vital part of the community.  The site consists of four main buildings:

The original church building was built in 1953. The building is no longer used for worship services or Bible studies, but for community outreach. The building is now known as the “Center for Hope and Help.” The Center houses clothes and household goods for those in need.

In the late 1960s, the parsonage was built.  Now that the parsonage is no longer used for housing, it has been converted into a middle school and high school ministry building that is used on Sundays and Wednesdays.

The current worship center was built in 2004. The building serves as the campus' primary building.  This building houses our worship center, children's Life groups, the fellowship hall, offices, and adult Life Groups.

In 2005, the Family Life Center was built. The building has a full-sized gymnasium, a kitchen, and bathrooms. It is used for special church activities, recreational activities, and Life Group meetings.


The church is debt free (All glory to God!).  Buena Vista Baptist Church is committed to glorifying and serving God by utilizing these facilities for the spread of the Gospel and the good of our community.